Dringender Aufruf der Baha’i Gemeinde und der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker gegen das am 2. Jänner verhängte Todesurteil gegen Herrn Hamed bin Haydara und die Inhaftierung der Baha’i im Jemen!
On 2 January 2018, the Specialized Criminal Court in Sana’a, Yemen, sentenced a member of the Baha’i community, Mr. Hamed bin Haydara, to be executed due to his religious beliefs.
The judge furthermore ordered the dissolution of all Baha’i Assemblies, thereby placing other Baha’i prisoners as well as the Baha’i community as a whole in imminent danger. Mr Haydara was arbitrarily arrested at his workplace on 3 December 2013 and has since
served a 4-year sentence, during which he has been subjected to extensive torture, been denied treatment for consequent medical conditions, and forced to sign papers while blindfolded.
His execution, the date of which is unknown, is to be carried out in public. We call on the Houthi authorities in Yemen to repeal Mr. Haydara’s court sentence and release all Baha’i prisoners.
[Your Signature]